The Layers of Sacred Intimacy

How's your love life? ❤️

Be totally honest!

What level of satisfaction are you now experiencing with regard to love and intimacy in your primary relationship? Have you ever wondered if there is more?; more to feel, more to share, more to give, more to live?

Well wonder no more!


As in all of life, THERE’S ALWAYS MORE!:

  • more love
  • more compassion,
  • more connection
  • more intimacy.

To fully experience this elusive “more’, we must first peel away all the layers, boundaries and protective armor we have donned to keep ourselves safe. This is both an exhilarating and scary process and yet it’s a necessary step if you wish to experience the greatest fulfillment of life: true soul union with another being.

In this two-hour virtual workshop, we will explore powerful techniques that awaken your passionate lover; loving yourself first as a foundation for loving others.
The end result is to live as love embodied; through practice, training, and simply with a relaxed open heart.

In this workshop, we will explore:
  1. polarity: what it is, why it’s important and how to cultivate ‘more’
  2. magnetization practices to keep your present or future partner perpetually attracted to you 
  3. the relationship of sexuality with spirituality and how to source them in the correct sequence
  4. how to complete yourself, your incarnation and your soul union through the conscious integration of masculine and feminine energy.
This workshop will be held on June 9 at 2 PM ET. A recording will be available for those who cannot make the live session.
Come prepared for didactic teachings, embodiment practices, meditations, journaling, and intimacy enhancing exercises both during the workshop as well as for take home practice.

This masterclass is geared towards couples who consciously want ‘more’ in their intimate relationship and singles looking for that special someone.

Event Details

This workshop will be held on June

Date: 9 June, 2024

Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST

Venue: Zoom

The investment is $69 until June 1 at which time the price goes up to $99.

Have a journal and pen handy.
To find out more and to register, please click the link below: