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To create anything in life, especially a better version of yourself, there has to be ‘Soul Genesis,’ a moment of self-creation. Soul Genesis is the instant you know you must recreate yourself because the status quo is no longer acceptable. It’s when you realize there’s so much more to life than how you’ve been living. That’s when ‘Soul Genesis’ occurs, the need to manifest the richest most meaningful life possible.

WorkThere’s a natural euphoria we all experience from time to time: celebrating a marriage, the iridescence of a rainbow, falling in love for the first time. But what if these life-affirming experiences were always available to us except when we shut them down with distraction, addiction and busyness? What if we could simply align ourselves with the natural forces of creation and then just float down the river of life? This is the focus of Soul Genesis; tapping into our birthright of unlimited joy, creativity, and purpose for a richer and more meaningful life.

CultivateSoul Genesis predicates itself on service towards others rather than the pursuit of personal agenda. Historically speaking, we’ve evolved as a clan-based society where everyone had a unique yet important role. To function optimally, we had to band together, as in ‘united we stand, divided we fall’. Though our present society no longer supports this sense of community and even conditions us to act out of self-interest, Soul Genesis chooses to ‘play with the rules, not by the rules’. The simple act of opening your heart in the service of others is the most powerful transformative process we can experience and reflects the focus of our training.

Interested seekersThe focus of Soul Genesis is to explore the strategies that best align us with the natural flow of creation. We cultivate practices, habits, and rituals that reinforce ourselves as creators of love, integrity, and positive impact. There will be focused workshops, group discussions, Q&A and interactives to bolster and support these ideals.

Religious CommunityThere is a large difference between a religious and a spiritual community. A spiritual community celebrates our human essence as a reflection of the Divine. It therefore encompasses everyone; there is no buy-in other than being alive. The word spirit comes from the Latin root ‘SPIR,’ which means ‘breath,’…so as long as you as you are breathing, you’re in!

Soul Genesis is a spiritual community that accepts all beings, all religions, all people, all sects.

All are accepted and cherished here!

GeneisSoul Genesis does have one requirement, though, and that is anyone who participates needs to show up fully, bring their full focused attention, and play all out. This doesn’t mean you have to be other than you are as everyone has a different starting point. But the full transformative power of this self-selected community is our collective commitment, courage, and willingness to ‘do what it takes’ to get to the next level. This means that each of us needs to be open, honest, and vulnerable in order to make meaningful change.

“The truth will set you free”….. and Soul Genesis is the path to that truth!

Welcome aboard!